Wood Fence
Wood fence Sarasota Florida
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Stockade Fence
A stockade fence, also called a “solid board fence”, is a traditional type of wood privacy fence. The pickets butt against each other and attach to the rails that run between posts. They provide near total privacy from neighbors and people who pass by on the sidewalk.
The pickets are typically four to eight inches wide. The top can be plain or decorative. Often you will see the top corners of each picket cut to a 45° angle to make a “dog ear fence”. You can also add cap and trim or a topper with lattice panels for a decorative finish.
Common wood choices for a wood stockade fence include pressure-treated pine, fir, cedar and redwood.

Shadow Box Fence
Shadow box fences, also known as the “good neighbor fence”, are another popular way to create a privacy fence around your home. Contractors affix a picket to one side of the rails then another picket on the other side of the rails, with a slight overlap to obscure the view. So unlike a solid stockade fence, both sides of the fence look the same.
A shadow box fence will be a semi-private fence since you will still have the ability to see through when up close. From a distance, or straight on, others still can’t see through into your yard. You gain privacy while still maintaining some air flow.
Common wood choices for a shadow box stockade fence include pressure-treated pine, fir, spruce, cedar and redwood.

Board on Board Fence
The board on board fence creates a complete privacy fence since its design conceals the gaps left between the boards caused by shrinkage. There are two layers of boards on this fence. Typically the first layer consists of 6” wide boards installed with a 1 ½” gap between boards. The second layer consists of 4” wide boards which overlap the first layer of boards. This design any gaps from appearing after the boards shrink.
This style of wood fence will be somewhat more expensive since more pickets will be needed per linear foot. Expect to pay 30% more for a board on board fence than a simple stockade fence.
Similar to other wood privacy fences the wood choices for a board on board fence include SPF (spruce, pine, fir) cedar and redwood.

Split Rail Fence
Classic split rail fence has a more rustic feel as compared to the updated post and rail. These fences are made from long beams threaded through rounded posts. The heavier posts have holes bored through them to allows the beams to connect.
Split rail fences were a traditional option for farms with livestock but now can also be found at many suburban homes.
Split rail fences generally have three rails but you can obtain four and five rail fences. Split rail fences will often have wire mesh added in order to contain animals or keep out vermin.
Common wood choices for split rail fence include pressure treated pine, cedar and Black Locust.

Picket Fence
Picket fences are generally between three to four feet tall and get their name from the pointed topped pickets. While a proper picket fence has pointed pickets, you can also use rounded planks instead.
They are still popular today thanks to the decorative look they give a yard. The widely spaced slats allow you to see through the fence. Picket fences can contain small dogs but not larger dogs who can jump over a lower fence.
Picket fences, often manufactured in panels, is a very effective way to fence a front yard.
Common wood choices for picket fences will be pressure-treated pine and cedar.

Post and Rail Fence
Post and rail fence, also referred to as “ranch rail” or “post and board” fence,s is the modern update to split rail fence. These fences are very simple with three or more horizontal boards attached with fasteners to posts.
Post and rail fences are suitable for both farms and suburban homes. They are also one of the most affordable fencing choices.
Post and rail fences generally have three rails but you can build four and five rail fences. Post and rail fences will often have wire mesh added in order to contain animals or keep out vermin.
Common wood choices for post and rail fence include pressure treated pine and cedar.

Horizontal Fence
Horizontal fences with horizontal boards have been gaining in popularity for their sleek modern look. Horizontal fences are composed only of fence posts and horizontally-oriented fence boards, with no stringers. Posts will be set closer together to minimize the possibility of fence boards sagging.
Horizontal fences tend to be more expensive than vertical fences because they require a higher grade of lumber for the fence boards to prevent sagging. You will also need 1/3 more posts.
For any type of sloped or uneven ground, vertical fences can better conform to the ground contour at the bottom of the fence.
The wood choices for most horizontal fences will be Ipe, Cypress, Cedar (Eastern White Cedar or Western Red Cedar) o redwood.

Lattice Fence
Lattice fencing is a classic style found around gardens and patios. The open weave of the lattice panel allows good ventilation and is ideal for climbing plants. Plant honeysuckle or climbing roses next to the lattice and you get a beautiful yard.
Lattice is also popular because it is one of the more inexpensive options available on the market. However, you do get complete privacy with lattice due to the open pattern.
Despite this drawback, it is still an appealing option. Few styles don’t go well with lattice fencing, so you can add it to just about anything.
Common wood choices for lattice fence include pressure treated pine and cedar.

Slip Board Fence
Slip board fence is similar to split rail in construction, except it uses milled boards instead of rails for a more finished appearance. The boards “slip” into the posts similar to a split rail.
Slip board fencing is available in three and four rail configurations. Slip board is also very easy to maintain since any board needing to be replaced can just be slid out.
Slip board fencing if often accessorized with wire mesh for use with animals.
Common wood choices for slip rail fence will be similar to split rail, including pressure treated pine and black locust.

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Wood Fence Installation Sarasota Florida
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